Friday, December 5, 2014

Introducing Nora

Meet Nora.

She is, as Lorelai keeps calling her, "our new pup." She is half Siberian Husky and half Yellow Labrador Retriever.

She belonged to my friend, but she was unable to keep her due to breed restrictions in her apartment complex. I volunteered to take her after hearing she had only a few days to find her a home of her choosing. My friend picked our family, and then I made our lives turn upside down. ;)

We are actually finding a decent rhythm between Nora, Phoebe, Lorelai, and Adalaide. Night time seems to be the trickiest, though we have only done one of those with Nora. Basically, I feel rather confident we will find a good pattern and she will be a great addition to our family.

In the mean time, we just have to keep toys, paci's, cords, wires, and anything else we don't want chewed, off the floor; and we need to get this house-training down rather fast. ;)

First puppy appt for her: next week for shots and to schedule her spay. I will also schedule Phoebe's teeth cleaning as well. Get that terrible dog breath under control!


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