Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Escape Artist

About 2 weeks ago I took the crib rail down off Lorelai's bed and put on a small toddler bed rail. It is a small transition, but necessary one. It is my goal to get her accustomed to the bed rail and the idea of a "big bed" so when it is time for our vacation next month, she will sleep easier in the hotel beds.

This isn't her bed, but it is very close to what her sleep arrangement looks like now days
 Her rail is longer than the picture, so it is harder for her to climb out. It has been working great...notice the past-tense. Lately, Lorelai has decided she doesn't need naps. She does this every so often. For a week or two naps are a rare scene; then, out of no where, she'll nap for 2 hrs every afternoon for a month or two...then we start the pattern all over again. She also does this game with food, but anyway...
Today she did not fall asleep in the car like she usually does, and I knew I was in trouble.
I walked her in her room, put her in her crib, turned on her nap cd, closed the door, and walked away. She was quiet, and I naively thought "Alright. She's out, time to get some things done."


About 10 minutes later I hear some scratching on the inside of her door...like a dog; but our dog was snoozing on the couch. I pushed open the door to peak in...and there was Lorelai. Just standing there with her "Lamby" and bunny. She smiled her "paci-smile" and was all prepared to walk out.
Now, I have never seen her actually leave her bed before. I was actually a little impressed...but not happy.

"No. Get back in your bed. It's naptime." I directed.

She didn't move, so I picked her up and put her back in her bed. I turned on her cd again and left. She fussed for a bit, but then it got quiet again. "Ok, she got her taste of freedom, but she surrendered and she will sleep now" I thought. Psshhh...silly me.
10 minutes later, as I sit down after starting some laundry, her door whips open and I see a little girl standing in the doorway. Lamby, bunny, paci...just standing there, seeing what my next move would be.

"No Lorelai. Naptime. Bed now."

I pick her up again and place her in her crib. I rearranged her pillow, blanket, and stuffed animals to block the small area she could escape from, and I leave once more.

Now I am not so optimistic. "I give her 15 minutes tops" I tell myself.

5 minutes later, the door whips open again. But this time Lorelai is not hesitant in the slightest. She comes shooting out the door, Lamby in hand, paci in mouth, and waves. "Hi" she mumbles from behind the pacifier as she practically sprints down the hall.

It was cute. I was a little annoyed, but then she tripped, hitting her head on the ottoman in the familyroom.

"Uh oh" she said looking up at me.

"That's not the only reason you should be saying 'uh oh'" I told her.

She giggled, picked herself up, and went on to her toys. I then realized the noise from her bedroom was not her lullaby cd, but the radio. She actually got up and played with her stereo before she boldly announced her arrival.

Got to love kids, huh?
I hope naptime returns soon though. *crosses fingers*


Friday, May 25, 2012

No More "Purple Room"

Farewell "Purple room." You were a struggle to concur, you used up a lot of my energy, but you are indeed gone.

I introduce to you the "Purple room's" much-needed makeover:




That purple needed 1 coat of pure primer, and a coat of paint-and-primer in one...I still needed to go over missed spots a lot. I still need to paint one wall in our master bathroom, then I don't want to see a paint brush or roller for at least 6 months. Luckily, I am running out of things that need painting :)


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"The Purple Room"

If you remember, our house was an interesting mix of colors back when we bought it almost a year ago. Now the pictures don't do the array of colors justice, but you get the idea...

Our master bedroom was "electric baby blue"
The "dark olive" color made this room the study

The livingroom/diningroom was oddly untouched with paint
The familyroom was also absent of color

...as well as the kitchen and breakfast nook
And then there was "the purple room"...a bright purple room.
I guess what always stumped me was the contrast from the bedrooms to the living areas. Bedrooms were so in-your-face with paint while the rest of the house was so blah and boring. So, I have been painting over the last year...

New master bedroom...since the picture we also have curtains

New livingroom/diningroom...now with chandelier, curtains, and new table 

New kitchen

New familyroom...a little messy

New breakfast nook

I have even painted the pantry, Lorelai's room; I am now working on our master bathroom and yes, "the purple room." The purple room will definitely take some time. The color is very strong and normal paint does not cover it. So, it is a multiple-step process; first starting with straight primer.

Day 1 of priming was cut short due to Lorelai's very short nap.

Day 2 and we have 1 wall done.

I should mention both "the purple room" and the study have only 2 walls painted. You can tell in "the purple room" it was once all painted, for behind the beige paint on 2 of the walls you can see subtle purple paint showing in blotchy, patchy spots. So good news, I only have to prime 2 walls instead of 4, but I do think I will order paint with a primer mixed in so all 4 walls will be even and flawless. No trace of this "Barney" purple, please. When we paint the study  I think I will need twice the coats of primer and paint...that is one dark color!
So, anyway, this is my progress. Hopefully by the end of the month I will be completely done priming and painting "the purple room" and we can move on and refer to it as something else. Probably "the guest room" until Lorelai moves into it later. Then I have to focus on our master bathroom again. This interruption was mainly due to Chris inheriting a double bed from his Nana, and us needing to set up a room for it. Let's see if I can get the painting done before the bed actually arrives!  


Friday, May 18, 2012

Odd Pinterest 2.0

I enjoyed collecting some of Pinterest's oddest pins a little while ago, and thankfully, the oddity just kept coming. I saved some of my favorites to share with you all. The internet is wonderful and weird, and thanks to Pinterest, I can see a lot more of the weird.

Now there are different degrees of odd...

This is the picture that started this collection. I mean, who in their right mind would EVER think to cut off Barbie mouths/noses and make a creepy, creepy necklace with them? Ick.

I want to see a naked woman bathing in my drink, don't you?
This isn't that weird, but I am pretty sure this is not a secret message since I can clearly read the banana in the morning.
Yes. I want my phone to smell like my armpit, and misted with sweat, great idea,
This is a ring. We'll ignore the fact that is a huge, bulky version of ring...but why a cupcake tin? Why are there only 2 cupcakes? The tin is not cute or worth wearing. You'd be better off skipping the tin and making a cupcake ring.

I have to admit, I am unusually particular on my style of wreaths. I tend to chuckle on all the DIY wreaths I see pinned. Most are not attractive...in my opinion. Like this stick wreath. Do you really need instructions to make this? Oh, and yes...why would make this? 
They explained it all...except why you would need "handerpants,"
I also enjoy seeing what people crochet things for, like my first  odd pinterest post, they have "rock covers" and now they have instructions for an "apple cozy."
This pin had no description. It was just this picture. Why? That's all I have to say about this....Why?

Ah, yes, the ever-so-hard "denim bracelet." It adds so much to an outfit...?

These shoes say "Dunk your shoes in glue and roll them in preschool art supplies" to me. If you are into that look, go for it.

This is a statue that kind of reflects my feelings after seeing all the previous pins...and it is odd in its own right. Wouldn't want to pass this everyday before going to work. Not very encouraging.

What are your favorite "Odd Pins?" Please share...I love how silly people can be.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Life Continues

Lagging on the blog again...life does that.

A few updates to mention:

Lorelai's dermatitis has cleared up with a round of topical hydrocortisone treatment, no trip to the dermatologist needed, yay!
I did have to switch her to hypoallergenic diapers and wipes to help prevent any irritation. That's 2 visits to the pediatrician in a month if anyone is keeping count. I go again at the beginning of June for her 18month well visit, and let's hope after that we don't see the doctor until her 24month check up.

Bathroom remodel is going well...going slowly. I do have pictures, but I think I want to hold off until I am completely done...more dramatic reveal that way. Paint (that I can do) is done, cabinets done, next...floor? I had a plan, but now I am not sure if it's necessary. I need help taking the large mirror off my hands, so I can't go forward in the pace I was hoping just yet. Once summer comes, I think things will move along more quickly.

Mother's Day was pretty nice. Got to see my mom and my grandmother (plus lots more extended family); a good family day. I even got to see my Aunt and cousin from California. I have seen my aunt off and on over the past few years, but it has been almost 10 years since I had seen my cousin, Anna. Luckily, they are just how I remembered them. They did come for a not-so-fun reason. They spread my grandmother's ashes in Texarkana. My "Mimi" died last year, and my dad and 2 aunts, along with Anna, drove down to put her to rest. Unfortunately I could not make the trip due to Lorelai; the line of cars would have been impressive if all my siblings and I tagged along.

Monday was a little crazy. We received Chris' parents' diningroom table. His parents were given his Nana's table since her passing and they needed to find their old table a new home. Chris has always liked their table, so we were the lucky recipients. Now to be honest, it is not quite my style, and I did decorate the livingroom/dinigroom with our old table in mind, so I think it will take some time to get used to the "new look." Either way, it is a nice, expensive table that Chris likes, so I guess it will work just fine. I believe my SIL and brother will be taking our old table this Friday...I'm sure they will take good care of it. Haha. :P
We may be getting a mattress for "the purple room" soon. This means we will be retrieving the bed frame we loaned my parents and hopefully turn the room into a guest room (and eventually Lorelai's "big girl" room...I emphasize eventually). Of course, I made "the purple room" her school room recently, but hey...no biggie, I can undo it and reorganize.

Phoebe is fine, thankfully she has not had any health issues lately. Chris' work schedule has been pretty consistent, and I have been keeping plenty busy... same old, same old.

Not this weekend, but next, we are visiting Chris' Dad and family in Granbury...trial trip for Lorelai, please pray for us, lol. We are not spending the night though, so that should help.

I believe that covers things over here.
I hope everyone had a pleasant Mother's Day and a productive week so far!

Until next time,


Monday, May 7, 2012

Lorelai is Never Dull

I had to take Lorelai back to the pediatrician this morning. :(

For over a week now she has had a strange-looking rash in her diaper area. Diaper rash ointment did not clear it up, zinc oxide cream did not, eczema lotion did not help, I even tried ringworm ointment (in sort of looked like any of the previous ailments)...nothing made a difference.
So, I finally caved and took her in.
I am not against taking her in, but the last time I did for her puffy, swollen eye, the associate Dr. told me it was just allergies and it would go down on its own with some Claritin. It did, she was right, but that 2.5min conversation cost me over $70. 
That was about a month ago. I was not jumping at the chance to repeat that pointless, pricey endeavor...but my little girl was not getting better, I had no choice.

My usual pediatrician was looking at her today and was a little stumped by her poor, red, blotchy bottom. He figured it was most likely contact dermatitis  and gave me some sample medication of hydrocortisone to apply topically. He specifically told me that if her rash wasn't "almost cleared up" by Friday morning, to call him back and we would most likely need to see a dermatologist. Poor little sweets.

Just when I think I know of all her little things to look out for, she throws a new one at me. I hope she does not have a lifetime of strange, unpredictable allergies and rashes...that has got to be annoying.

So, from now to Thursday evening (and Friday morning) think healthy thoughts for my baby girl and her...um...well, rashy area ;)


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Latest House Update

This will be mainly pictures because...well, they speak for themselves :)



Master bathroom cabinets next, then the real fun begins...