Friday, September 30, 2011

Double Digit Months From Now On

Well, well, well...10 months already :P

Some new updates on Lorelai, lets see:

She has 2 teeth growing in on the bottom, it is so cute...and we have waited long enough for them!

She is eating more table food, mainly soft bread and mashed potatoes/bananas. It is pretty cute watching her pick up the little bits with her 2 tiny fingers :)

She has recently received her first pair of real shoes, hard soles and everything. She does not like wearing them. She cries while trying to maneuver around in them. She much rather carry them around, put them in her mouth, and bang them on tables.

We are transitioning into cooler weather clothes. It would help if the weather was so back-and-forth though. I do look forward to getting her all new, cute clothes...and a coat!

She has a new carseat now, still rear-facing for now. I believe by her birthday we can switch it around...she hates car rides and I am hoping she will like them better once she can see and interact with others in the car.

She has learned how to drink with a straw. It comes from all the sharing (mainly from her Aunt Hannah) of drinks with her. She has her own little cup and straw now and uses it 100x better than a traditional sippy cup. Oh, and she still won't hold her own bottle unless she is laying on the ground. Even then, she rarely lays and finishes it all.

A lot of "ba-ba's" and "ma-ma's" some "da-da's" in there more.

We are teaching her "up" when she wants to get up... outstretched arms included. ;)

I have also been teaching her how to turn on and off the light switch. She now reached out for it as we pass it in her room. Pretty cute. :)

Still loves pacifiers and can put them in and out like a pro.

She has discovered the wonderful game of throwing her toys...well, more like dropping them overboard. Constantly.

Nap habits are changing...and shortening. :( Don't like that...I am hoping it is a phase into a new pattern and that it is not the new pattern itself.

Standing and walking are not too far off I have a feeling, and I will keep you all posted of that development for sure.

Looking forward to all the changes in the next month, then the next update will be at 1 year! Gosh. Goes by in a blink, doesn't it. ;)


Monday, September 26, 2011

List of Currents

Been a little while, but not that much has happened.

I decided to change vets for Phoebe. Long story short, they wouldn’t allow me to order her meds from 1-800-pet-meds (which is MUCH more convenient and cheaper) so I said “buh-bye.”

My MiL had a birthday and I think we did a good job of getting her a present she enjoyed :)

Lorelai turns 10 months old on Friday! But, I will make a separate entry on that later.

I have made plans to catch up with an old childhood friend on Wednesday. I am looking forward to that! I also will meet another close friend next week; I have missed her! Now I just need to see my fellow mommy friend and her little girl…somehow weeks and weeks have gone by and I haven’t seen my pals!

Speaking of babies, a family friend was due last Wednesday…and still no baby yet. I heard a rumor that she is being induced in a couple days? Let me know if that is true…you know who ;)

I want to take some more pictures of Miss LEL, I have to get used to her new schedule first…well, actually she has to decide on one first. Again, I will elaborate more later.

Christopher has been working a lot! I wish we can do something fun to relieve some stress. He does have some time off at some point, maybe the 3 of us can do something out of the ordinary :)

No more house update for now, maybe before Christmas we can accomplish a few more on our to-do list. I do love how things are coming together though.

My back hurts! I woke up a few nights ago with a huge backache and it’s been bothering me ever since…I am trying to do all those things you are supposed to do for a bad back, so let’s hope that helps.

I am so happy TV shows are back! I have missed them.

Cooler weather expected by the weekend, maybe boots? Sweaters? I am crossing my fingers!

Well I am done for now. I will update most likely Friday/Saturday about my baby girl…and possibly before if I get a spare moment. Hope you all are having a good Monday!


Monday, September 19, 2011

2 Teeth and Counting

Attention! It is official, Lorelai has not only 1, but 2 teeth! The first bottom tooth broke through last week and the second broke through over the weekend. I cannot wait until they grow in! Little baby teeth are so cute! All you can see right now (logically) is the top of of them and I keep checking them to see how much they have grown in everyday. Lorelai is getting a little fussy over me sticking my fingers in her mouth, haha.

I did go buy both infant motrin and teething tablets...I got to be honest, neither one proved to be too helpful in soothing her, but it's good to have. So, at 9 1/2 months she finally has little teeth, the streak is broken! :P

Now I am waiting for her hair to grow more...I want pigtails for her 1st birthday! *winkwink* That would be too sweet :)


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Almost Birthday Ideas

Lorelai's birthday is less than 3 months away and the planner in me has already begun brainstorming about presents and party ideas.

I have found some really cute gifts that I would LOVE to get for her.

Play set
Birthday Cake toy

I have to keep in mind that her birthday and Christmas are less than a month apart, so I have to figure what should be done for her birthday and what else should be done for Christmas. I also want somethings that can grow with her over the next year (at least). Especially because there isn't really an occasion in between where I can update her toys with her changing development.

Moms with kids that are 1 or older, what did you do for your kids? What was their favorite toy? I know kiddos are all different but I am just looking for ideas right now...thanks!


Monday, September 12, 2011

The Business of Being Confusing

Recently I got around to watching a film I had been interested in viewing for quite some time now: The Business of Being Born. It is a documentary about how we deliver babies in America. Now, I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into when I pressed play…honestly I just love babies and love learning about pregnancy/labor/newborns/etc. I learned that the film was made by Ricki Lake and it showcases her feelings and experiences with her 2 childbirths. 1 in the hospital with a OB and 1 at home with a midwife.
About 15mins in, I started to feel myself tense up. I felt like this movie wasn’t comparing and contrasting the different methods of giving birth, instead it was proclaiming the “right” way and the “wrong” way.

RIGHT                                                                                                   WRONG
-Having babies at home                                                            -Having babies in a hospital
-All natural, no epidural/pitocin                                                 -Inducing labor & having an epidural
-Squatting, standing, all fours, ANYTHING                              -Laying flat on your back
  But laying flat on your back
-Having a midwife and a doula                                                  -Having a OBGYN

Now looking at this list, which column do you relate to more? I fall exactly into the “wrong” column…which, as you can imagine, makes me a little defensive and confrontational. I think what makes it worse is the undertone of “if you were educated more on childbirth, you would do things our way.”

*Ahem* Well, Ricki…I don’t agree with you.

You all claim throughout the movie that it is a personal choice, a memorable time, and a time where mom is in charge…yet you CONSTANTLY contradict yourselves during the film! You say that America is the only country where it is “normal” to have babies in hospitals (remember, that falls in the “wrong” column). You say that most all other countries use midwives instead. Germany, France, England, Russia, Italy, etc. You also say that America has the highest newborn death-rate (of an established country) in the world. I can’t believe that. You say that women should NOT have an OBGYN deliver babies because they don’t really know what they are doing…”they’re doctors, trained surgeons and all they will do is pump you full of drugs and then push you to have a c-section.” (grumble)
I don’t know about every woman’s experience, but out of all the women I have talked to, no one was pushed to do ANYTHING they didn’t want; and my Dr. knows how deliver babies, thank you. She has been delivering babies for decades! She even predicted what my body would do and how much my baby would weigh…down to the ounce. She was exactly correct on everything. Oh…did I mention when the movie was “proclaiming these facts” they were using all male doctors? Interesting…I still think even male doctors can deliver a baby just as well, just saying, there were very few women being interviewed. (Unless they had bad hospital experiences, of course.)
They then attacked the medication aspect. Traveling back 50 years, the started using old techniques as part of their case. They talked about, what I will admit, sounds like a terrible method of “twilight sleep” using a detrimental drug…made and produced in Germany. -Wait. I thought Germany was one of the countries we were using to promote midwives. We are forgiving ignoring the fact that they created this awful technique and yet condemning America for using it? Seems odd.
They then slammed the use of Pitocin, saying it “squeezed the baby too much.” Um…hello? The baby is about to be squeezed and pushed out of human being…it’s going to happen no matter what. Then the epidural. Yep, you guessed it, it’s evil. It effects the mom’s ability to anything at all…apparently. And laying on your back? That is the most “unnatural position” to give birth…and the doctors will not let you move….? That’s when the Dr.’s evil plan has really kicked into gear. Now you can’t push, can’t move, they have trapped the baby in you, and you are “forced” to follow the Dr.’s orders. They call up the OR and “make” you have a c-section…and since you are so “out-of-it” from the epidural, you consent.

*Sigh* There are so many things I have issues with. I hope you all read the previous paragraph with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

I was in a hospital. I had Pitocin. I had an epidural. I was laying on my back. Guess what? I wanted to be induced because my baby was 8lbs 8oz, with a head over 14in in circumference over a week early! If I had waited for her to come on her own, she would have most likely been over 9lbs with an even bigger head! That’s not a small issue…at all. I had an epidural. It hurt! I know Pitocin makes the pain more intense, but I planned to have pain relief early on before we even talked about induction. I broke my foot a few years ago, I took medication for that. No one wants to hurt. You can’t make me feel bad for not wanting to be in excruciating pain. I was laying on back…that’s unnatural? That seems to be the most natural position to me. Not once did I think "I want to get up and bounce around." Even if I wanted to, they would have let me. There was room for the baby to come out either way. Just barely (jk).
My Dr. never once mentioned c-section, neither did the nurses. I know not all doctors, nurses, and hospitals are the same. I am sure there are scenarios very close to their claims, but to say that ALL hospital births are the same is a flat out lie. To say ALL home births are better is an even BIGGER lie. (I have heard horror stories :\) They admit that high-risk moms should not have home births…doesn’t that seem hypocritical? With that statement they just admitted it’s good to be in a hospital! -Wait. Isn’t that where they have more complications and deaths? Didn’t you give us that “fact” earlier? Plus, how are you going to know if you are high-risk? You’d have to go to the “dreaded” OBGYN for that. *gasp!*
I was glad I was in the hospital. (if you are squeamish, sorry, skip ahead) I had trouble clotting after birth and needed medication before I lost too much blood. Even then, my blood pressure was dangerously low for a day or so after until my body could produce more blood. I was faint every time I got up from bed…they had to monitor me before letting me go home. Lorelai needed some oxygen to help her little body get into an effective rhythm of breathing. She was observed until this was achieved (which was long, thank God). She didn’t need to go to the NICU or anything, but if she did…it was there for her. I also needed an antibiotic in my IV before birth because I am a carrier for strep B and, if contracted to my baby during birth, she could have developed SERIOUS complications. I learned this by going to my OB and getting tested for it...otherwise I would have never known I carried this potentially fatal bacteria (to baby only).

After all said and done…Ricki Lake herself ended up having her home-birth baby laying on her back after her midwife forcefully told her she wasn't going to take her to the hospital. Contradict yourself much Ricki? I think this whole film got confused on their own message.

I didn't mean to rant too much, I just felt like the documentary was telling me I was stupid and wrong for choosing the things I chose. If you say it is a personal decision, then back off. If you want a midwife, go for it. If you want an OB, go right ahead. If you want any combination of the two, more power to you. It is a personal decision; do not push your own feelings on others. To all my pregnant friends and relatives out there: do your research and choose the best path for you! There is no “wrong” way…just the one that is right for you!


P.S.- Sorry for all the quotations, italics, and parentheses. ;)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Our Finest Hours are Yet to Come...

Well, I am sure you all are aware of what tomorrow is: the 10 year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon and the plane crash in the fields of Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. It seems so long ago, and yet so fresh in my mind. I watch the news stories and coverage on the events and people from 10 years ago. The hardest stories for me are the ones where a child has lost their parent...the hardest of those are the babies born just mere days/weeks after 9/11.

The popular question this anniversary is such: Where were you on September 11, 2001?

I was 14. I was sleeping soundly in my bed when I remember my mom burst through my door, "Megan wake up, a plane hit the World Trade Center. This is a big deal." She opened my blinds to let my room flood with light and then exited. I remember laying there with my eyes still closed thinking in my half-awake state "What? Trade Center? Like stocks? Does she mean wallstreet?" As bizarre as that sounds, remember, I was only 14 and was not familiar with the buildings in NY.
From the time it took me to get up and get downstairs the other plane had already hit the other tower. I never saw a live view of the planes hitting the towers. I saw the "recap" of each building swallowing the airliners hundreds of times though. I remember trying to piece together the sketchy information they were receiving minute by minute. Reports of an explosion at the Pentagon, smoke seen billowing from a wooded area in thing I recall quite clearly was "My God, what next?"
I saw the buildings fall one by one on the screen. I heard the screams and saw the horror on the people's faces. Right before the towers collapse, I saw the people jump. I didn't fully understand why it happened and what it meant, not only for the present time, but for the months and years to follow.

Al Qaeda took gladly took full responsibility. Osama Bin Laden was then hunted for almost 10 years and was recently killed. While most American rejoiced in his death, I believe in a statement I read from a friend of mine a few weeks ago...when we want justice we really want judgement. I hope Bin Laden received the most serious of judgments.
We have made progress. We have healed some, but I don't think we will forget, we will just adapt. We will accept the fact that we live in a world where anything and anyone could be used to kill us. They have baseless motives and an unsettling honor in dying while taking the lives of others.

Above is a bracelet I made 10 years ago following the few days after September 11. (I believe it is the second one I made for the first broke.) I wore everyday until the first anniversary. I wanted some small way to show my support and patriotism. I tucked it away in my jewelry box until this past week. I am wearing it again and will plan to do so every anniversary to remember the lives lost and the changed country.
I do have a notebook full of newspaper clips, emails, pictures, poems and other memorabilia I am still trying to locate. I can recall some of my collection and will share some of it with you now. I will also post some new things I came across that touched my heart. God Bless America.

Lady Liberty
        I wonder what she thought As she stood there, strong and tall. She couldn't turn away, 
She was forced to watch it all.
             Did she long to offer comfort As her country bled? With her arm forever frozen 
High above her head.
          She could not shield her eyes She could not hide her face She just stared across the water 
Keeping Freedom's place.
               The smell of smoke and terror Somehow reduced her size So small within the harbor 
But still we recognized...

                                 How dignified and beautiful On a day so many died 
I wonder what she thought, 
And I know she must have cried. 

My Name is Old Glory
I am the flag of the United States of America
My name is Old Glory.

I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.
I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
I fly majestically over great institutes of learning.
I stand guard with the greatest military power in the world.
Look up! And see me!

I stand for peace, honor, truth, and justice.
I stand for freedom.
I am confident . . . I am arrogant.
I am proud.

When I am flown with my fellow banners,
my head is a little higher,
my colors a little truer.

I bow to no one.
I am recognized all over the world.
I am worshipped.
I am saluted.
I am respected.
I am revered. I am loved.
And I am feared.

I have fought every battle of every war for more than 200 years...
Gettysburg, Shilo, Appomatox, San Juan Hill, the trenches of France,
the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome, the beaches of Normandy,
the deserts of Africa, the cane fields of the Philippines,
the rice paddies and jungles of Guam, Okinawa, Japan, Korea, Vietnam,
and a score of places long forgotten by all but those who were with me.

I was there!

I led my soldiers.
I followed them.
I watched over them...
They loved me.I was on a small hill in Iwo Jima.
I was dirty, battle-worn and tired,
but my soldiers cheered me,
and I was proud.

I have been soiled, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of countries
I have helped set free.
It does not hurt . . . for I am invincible.
I have been soiled, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my country,
and when it is by those with whom I have served in battle . . . it hurts.
But I shall overcome . . . for I am strong.

I have slipped the bonds of Earth
and stand watch over the uncharted new frontiers of space
from my vantage point on the moon.

I have been a silent witness to all of America's finest hours.
But my finest hour comes
when I am torn into strips to be used for bandages
for my wounded comrades on the field of battle.
when I fly at half mast to honor my soldiers...
and when I lie in the trembling arms
of a grieving mother at the graveside of her fallen son.

I am proud.
My name is Old Glory.
Dear God . . . Long may I wave!



We will always remember.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

DWTS = Family Values?

Has America gone crazy? Maybe I am just older? Or maybe I am a parent now…either way, I am pretty fed up. I really despise politics. You can’t imagine how much I dread the next year of this bickering. Everyone sounds like bratty 3 year olds, pointing fingers, calling names, placing blame, and they all claim to do it for “the good of the people.”

Politics aside (sort of), my main gripe for this blog comes from a jewel of modern-day television: Dancing with the Stars. First off, I hate the show. I saw a commercial for it years ago and I thought “That will never last.” Sadly, I was wrong. (One of the few times;) )
Apparently it is an American favorite. Apparently it is a family show? I don’t know what kid would be interested in it for more than 30 seconds…I can’t even stand it for much longer than that. Regardless, a new season is starting up and they announced the new cast; a pretty controversial one at that. People usually gossip and talk about the group of people they announce but this year it’s different. A particular group of people have taken aim on one individual: Chaz Bono.
In case you live under a rock, Chaz Bono was born Chasity Bono (daughter of Sonny and Cher) and went through transgender surgery to become a man recently. While Chaz does not have all the male parts, nor will he ever have the male chromosomes; but if you were to pass him on the street you would not think twice. He looks like a man, sounds like a man, dresses like a man…you wouldn’t think anything about him….or so you’d think. Certain “mom” groups have come out boycotting Chaz and DWTS for casting him. They claim he should not compete on this “family show” for he is sending out the “wrong” message to their children.

…What message is that? That he is a human being who is allowed to dance?

Sheesh. Sure, you ignore the fact that over the past years the women on the show wear barely-there outfits made out of see-through fabrics and strategically placed sequins. You don’t care that the men have gone shirtless, pantless, or somewhere in between. The contestants have shimmied parts of their bodies you would assume would be against family values; they have used songs with questionable lyrics…but no one peeped. Now suddenly we are all concerned about our kids and what they are exposed to?

What is so damaging about Chaz? Why can’t you explain to your kids who he is and what is story means? Any kid old enough to ask questions about the term “transgender” should be given the truth, right? Whether or not you condone it, it exists, and your kids should hear the facts from their parents. We live is a world where it is becoming more and more likely they will meet someone like Chaz, or Carson Kressley. Who? Oh yeah, there is a gay man on the show this year too. Haven’t heard anything about that, huh? He was on “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.” Yeah, he is out and proud…you would be able to tell that from talking to him for 30secs. Why hasn’t he gotten any crap from anyone?  I’m sure he’s next.
I can’t speak for every mother but I plan to be honest and straight-forward with my kids. I plan to answer my kids’ questions as honestly as I can (considering whatever age they are). I don’t want my kids to hear rumors and false information from other kids or sources. It is my job to fill them with life’s facts. Why are we trying to hide things from them? Why are we suggesting people like Chaz should be pushed into the shadows and barely whispered about? They are people too. They deserve the same opportunities, the same respect, and the same freedoms as everyone else. That goes for everyone in the LGBT communities.

I know a lot of people who are uncomfortable about the “gay lifestyle” and all the other people who are not “mainstream” and this saddens me. I have known quite a few people who are gay and they are wonderful people. They are kind, giving, compassionate, and courageous. They would do anything for anyone…and let’s face it; they wouldn’t be given the same. I feel I need to bite my tongue about my views some times to keep the peace, but now I have Lorelai…and I feel the responsibility to show her to stand up for what you think and what you feel. I feel that all people deserve the same inalienable rights. I feel that no one can say what another person should receive based on religious or personal beliefs. I feel that you should have your own opinion, but should not shove it down people’s throats…especially when your views are closed-minded and hurtful. What happened to liberty and justice for all

Before anyone thinks I am on some “liberal rant,” let me say I am not a democrat; Nor am I a republican My views do not fit nicely into one column. I am a registered independent…and couldn’t be anything else. I just think it is crazy that people are trying to twist their views into the mold of such a show. This is not a beacon of family morality, it never was. Keep that in mind when the women come out in their "outfits" and dance their routine of shakes and shimmies...try to think "family values?"

Dance away Chaz, I am one mom who supports your right to dance just like everyone else. Who would have thought one silly tv show would cause so much controversy? Come on people, RELAX! It’s Dancing with the Stars! *sigh*

Ok...I feel better now. :P


Monday, September 5, 2011

Box of Sweets

In usual baby-fashion, Lorelai liked playing with the box from her new carseat. She was too cute not to snap a few pictures. If only she would stop moving so much :P

Yes, that's a Cheerio...she wanted to have snack in there

A little washed out, but I love her confused little face ♥