Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Surprise! Baby #3 and other News

We're adding to this crazy brood again! Baby #3 to arrive mid-late October! A lot of people are making comments like "try for a boy" "hope it's a boy" "maybe you'll finally get a boy". Maybe I shouldn't mind, but come on people, boy or girl, this baby is a blessing and I honestly don't care if we end up with 3 awesome girls or 2 awesome girls and an awesome boy. (Sorry I used the word awesome so much.) I just want to emphasize that the child is what it is, and the child itself is more than enough. So pink or blue, don't have expectations for us, thanks. ;) ♥

Baby is almost 10 weeks, but since we are not technically there yet, here is some interesting facts about a 9 week baby: (I love these!)

  • This is a milestone. Baby's no longer an embryo—now he or she is a fetus!
  • Baby's developing more distinct facial features.
  • And baby might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.

On top of that news, we got our new trees for our backyard yesterday, and I am so excited! They add a lot to the yard and as they grow they will add beauty and privacy, I look forward to that! 

Of course it's still early in spring and the deciduous group have not sprouted leaves yet, but I am oddly pumped to see those guys all green and pretty. Adulthood, not want you expect sometimes...

We already had 1 lacebark elm (pic 3) and a chinese pistachio (pic 1 - almost out of frame on right) and another chinese pistachio in the front; but we wanted to line our fence more and get rid of that "barren" feeling. We picked out a total of 3 crepe myrtles (the leafless guys), 2 magnolias (the dark green guys in the corners) and 3 east palatka holly trees (the 3 in a row on pic 1). I am very happy with our selection and placement. Phase 1 of transforming the yard complete! :-D

Now off to spend some time with my kiddos!


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