Monday, October 14, 2013

7 Months Old and Counting

Well, well, well, 7 months old. My how time flies. I didn't think Lorelai grew up too fast, but Addy? Well, I think Addy is growing at lightening speed.

This little cutie is a joy. She loves attention, mainly from mommy; which is ok, but I think others might get a little jealous. But hey, it's fleeting. Look at Lorelai now, she is a daddy's girl, big time!

Adalaide is a terrible eater. God bless her skinny little body. This 10th percentile girl makes mommy a little worried about her lack of food/bottle consumption. Therefore, mommy is always shoving food in her face. She does seem to like table food better than her baby pureed glop, so hopefully we can find a happy medium soon.
Though, to eat more table food, she needs some teeth. That's right, following in her bog sister's footsteps, this babe has zero teeth more than half way through her first year. LEL was 9.5 months before one of those bad boys sprouted, so we may have a couple more months to go.

What she lacks in the oral department, she makes up for in gross and fine motor skills. She has been picking up food since she was 5.5 months old, and now feeds herself small snack foods with ease. She also started crawling 3 days before her 7-month birthday. She is already pulling herself up on things, wobbly, but she is determined.

Last night she did sleep through the night. This is the 3rd (maybe 4th) time she has ever done this. I do hope this is a new trend. LEL started sleeping through the night during her 7th month, so if Addy wants to repeat that, I would have no objections.

She is still wearing some 3M clothes, but we are mainly in 6M outifts. Those onesie pj's are awful for her. Her skinny little legs slide up to her tummy and get stuck there. I am constantly untangling her. She has been sleeping without being swaddled (mainly naps) so I want those tiny legs covered so she doesn't get chilly. (Not that it's that cold here yet...just the AC).

She used to love baths, but now she is not so into them. She is more of an in-and-out girl, and Lorelai will be happy to play in there for half an hour if you let her...though both hate getting their hair washed.

Adalaide will also start off her 7th month a baptized babe. This past Saturday, all in-town family were over for a brief, beautiful ceremony by our good friend, Jeremy. Addy seemed very intrigued by the whole process, even reaching over to read the bible Jeremy was preaching from.

Addy does like to explore and discover new things (as long as mommy is carrying her), and crawling opens a whole new world, what will 8 months bring? Cross your fingers for more eating, drinking, and sleeping. Other than that, life is oh-so-good for Ms. Adalaide Olivia. ♥



  1. Check out "baby led weaning" if she's not a fan of purees. Even without teeth, she should be able to do table foods pretty well :). (Colette just skipped purees, it's messy but great!)

  2. Thanks Alzbeta. Good to know there are a lot of babies out there that also put up a fight with pureed foods. Adalaide has snacked on the Gerber Puffs for a couple months now, and does really well with them. She also loves Baby Mum Mum's. I have been giving her pumpkin muffin bits with her applesauce and sweet potatoes lately, she loves it! I think BLW is a good fit for her.
