Monday, July 28, 2014

The Air Vent

The air vent. It's a simple task. Basic design, easy steps, but something about this house transforms all the easy things and turns them into a large, frustrating irritant.

As you can see, it's not attractive. It's pretty standard, but come on, we can do better.
Lowe's sells aluminum sheet metal and a metal cutter. Of course there is also paint, glue, wood filler, and you will need the original screws.
I also went to Hobby Lobby to get the framing material. There was not a pre-made frame, but they sell framing pieces in the canvas/art area. There I was able to pick out the particular sizes I needed, and I assembled the frame myself.
I glued the frame together, filled the seams with wood filler, sanded it, glued the metal in, painted the whole unit, and drilled in holes for the screws.

I could go into the failure that was my first model, but it's dull. I used the wrong material, measured the wrong holes, the drywall is a mess, etc. Trust me, my second attempt is the winner.

It's a small improvement, but an improvement all the same. It's all in the details now. ;)


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