Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The "Bad Mom" List

Thanks to the internet, there is a lot of "mom-comparing" going on. There is also a lot of "mom-boasting" in my opinion. It's a pointless, fruitless cycle of who-does-what-and-which-is-better. I get a little irked when someone posts something that serves no other purpose other than patting themselves on their own back. I also don't care for the posts about how their lifestyle choices are better, simply because it's what they do. It's a good way to alienate your friends and family. It's also a good way to make other people defensive. Here I have complied a list of things I do...and you know what? I am not any better, and more importantly, not any worse than any other mom out there. You do what is best for you and your kids, a situation only your family can understand and validate.

  • I let my kids watch tv
  • I buy pre-packed foods for my kids to snack on
  • I bribe my 3.5 year old with treats...she usually doesn't fall for it
  • I have been trying to potty-train my 3.5 yr old for a year now
  • I don't give my kids baths everyday
  • I give my children medication when they are sick or in pain
  • I don't believe that spanking is the best behavior tool
  • I buy my kids clothes new, on sale, but new
  • I let my 3.5 have soda once and a while
  • I let my kids cry out places sometimes, because I can't be a hermit
  • I plan to homeschool my children
  • I don't think a toy has to be pink or purple for my girls to enjoy it
  • I allow my 3.5 to tell people "no thank you" when they ask for hugs and kisses
  • I will never have a maid or a nanny
  • I probably over-plan my kids' birthdays, it's my way of making sure they feel special and loved
  • I rarely go anywhere without my kids, this past weekend was the first time I spent a night away from them, and I could hardly wait to be with them again
  • I do not let just anyone watch my kids, when they are young (especially in diapers), family only
  • I don't buy organic food, for the most part
  • I don't take my children to church yet, the screaming would not be helpful for anyone
  • I make my girls let me do their hair everyday, otherwise, their messy hair will set my OCD off
  • I do a sticker behavior chart...I don't think it helps much
  • I drink coffee in the morning and in the evening
  • I believe road trips are preferred over plane rides - hands down - the journey is half the point
  • I will buy my kids random toys/books/activities if it serves an educational purpose
  • I let my dog in the house, on the couch, and on the beds; she is apart of the family in every way
  • I don't like to be outside (or in the pool) during the summer, so my kids stay inside a lot from June-August
  • I spoil my kids enough to get an extra hug or smile, but I know when to say no more
  • I take my kids to fast food places, even McDonalds on occasion; they have even had a happy meal
I don't expect anyone to fully understand my parenting choices, for they are not me, and they do not have my kids; but I expect respect. I see no purpose belittling the people you claim to care about. Everybody thinks "oh, I wouldn't do that" every once and awhile, but there is no need to give that thought a voice. Everyone is doing their best for their own families. No need to suggest otherwise.


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