Thursday, May 7, 2015

Rx to the Rescue

I rarely go to the doctor for myself (unless I'm pregnant). I go for the kids and dogs, but for me, I rather just tough it out. I don't want to take the kids with me and I don't want to ask someone (my mom) for assistance. I usually pop a couple of Tylenol, drink fluids every hour, and try to rest. (I know, hahaha.)

Monday I had a sore throat. We stayed home all day and watched movies. It wasn't terrible, but it was a long day. Tuesday I felt better. My throat didn't hurt, but my head was filling with congestion. We did leave the house for a bit, but by evening time I was feeling really run down.
By Tuesday night, I felt terrible. I took every medication I could and I still felt like death. I got very little sleep and by the morning, I felt weak, exhausted, and sore.
My nose and face were throbbing, my throat was raw, and my neck was swollen making it hard to swallow. I started running a fever and with my strength and stamina teetering on zero, I did what I had to do.
Unable to properly care for my little ones, and almost unable to care for myself, I called my mom and then I called the doctor.

I was diagnosed (a few hours later) with acute sinusitis, aka, a severe sinus infection.

A few hours later I was home, antibiotics and steroids coursing through my system, I was feeling a bit better.
By bedtime I had my second and third round of steroids and another dose of antibiotics and I was doing a lot better.
I slept. I slept more than the last 2 nights combined.

This morning I feel miles ahead of where I was just 24hrs ago. I am not one to jump to the doctor or to load up on antibiotics, but man, I know when I need to, and I am so thankful I did.

Thank you western medicine. I love you.


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