Thursday, April 12, 2012

Get Comfortable...

I have a lot of catching up to do. backing up a bit...Chris' Nana was taken off her life support machines Tuesday of the last week. Chris was there in support, but I know it was hard for him to witness. She did hold on for a couple more days though. Lorelai and I did stay home for obvious reasons, and I am glad we did...things turned interesting.
I did have a friend come visit us (hadn't talked to her in over a month!) so that was fun, but just as we got to talking my phone rang. I answered it, and immediately knew something was off. It was my younger sister, Hannah, informing me that she and my mom were picking up my youngest sister, Caroline, from school because she had collapsed in PE. They were taking her straight to the hospital. I thought "Well, I guess I should go and see if she is okay...? I have Lorelai and Chris is at a different hospital practically downtown...and I will have to ask Maggie to leave and she just managed to get here." Hannah then reminded me that my brother will need to be picked up from college at a certain time because his car is the shop. That was my job. That worked out all right, I could chat with Maggie, get lunch, then go pick up Jacob.
I didn't know much about Caroline's issues, I didn't know how much to worry, so I just focused on the plan and waited to hear back from my mom. Around the time I needed to leave to get Jacob, the sky grew dark and the tv stations were bombarded with meteorologists giving minute-by-minute updates of the severe weather approaching the area. "Great." I thought, but my brother still needed to be picked up, so I woke up Lorelai from her nap and got ready to leave. I received another phone call from my mom asking me to also pick up Hannah from the hospital because it had been hours and they were still running tests on Caroline and she was getting antsy. "Okay." I replied and headed out to the car. Chris then called and said he could pick up Hannah because he was leaving his Nana's hospital and it would be sort of on the way. Sounded good to me, so we formulated a slightly new plan.
I was to go pick up Jacob while Chris was to pick up Hannah. We would both drop them off at my parents' house and return home.
I was waiting for Jacob to walk out when Chris called me to say he was at the house, but Hannah didn't have a key. I told them to wake up my brother, Zachary, and he would let them in. Luckily, this worked. Jacob then walked out and we headed to the house...right as the tornado sirens started blaring. "Tornado warning. Tornado warning."
Of course.
I'm pretty sure all you reading know a tornado warning means there is a confirmed funnel cloud spotted in or around the area. You are supposed to take immediate cover...but I was in the car, on the road, with my brother and my baby girl, taking immediate cover didn't really work. I was less than 10mins from the house, so I just kept driving. In my experience, the sirens go off frequently and most times you have some flexibility on the "immediate cover" part.
We get to the house okay and watch the tv coverage for a bit. Sure enough, there is a hook approaching our area, so we tried to clear out the under-the-stairs closet as best as we could and prayed.
The feeling wasn't as foreboding as it may have read...but it was serious. We saw 18-wheelers fly through the air in Arlington on the tv and reports of a tornado at Addison airport also were coming in. I couldn't help but think about Phoebe who was at our house all alone, but I wasn't going to leave my parents' house at this point.
Luckily everything sort of weakened and fell apart by the time it reached our neck of the woods, and we were grateful. We left my parents' and finally got home for dinner.
My mom called later that evening to inform me that Caroline's EKG and sonogram revealed that she has mitral valve prolapse. You can read the link, but basically, her heart's valves to close and function just right and therefore, her blood sometimes doesn't flow properly causing her to feel lightheaded, hence the collapse. This also causes a high heart  rate and a possible irregular heart rhythm. She has to go see a pediatric cardiologist, but she is on some medication now, and seems to functioning just fine.

In case you lost track...yes, this was all one day.

The following day, Wednesday, was also a bit eventful. My mom was having some oral surgery done. A bone graft and a sinus lift. It is an outpatient procedure, and I was her ride to and from the I was handed a "goody bag" of pamphlets and oral products to help with her recovery. I also had to pick up Jacob again (and take him back) because his car was still in the shop from the previous day. I was in the car for half of the day it felt. Lorelai was able to hang out with her Aunt Hannah while I ran these back-and-forth trips. My mom was a little loopy from the anesthesia, and was told not to stand or sit too quickly, not to walk by herself, and not to lock any doors in rooms she was alone in. She slept most of the day that was easy.

Thursday was a little easier on the schedule, but it was the day that Chris' Nana passed. I knew Chris would be sad, but her passing was almost expected for over 2 weeks (since she suffered a brain aneurysm). It was also Maundy Thursday, so Chris and I decided to go have dinner out, both for the holiday, and to remember his grandmother.

We'll fast forward a couple of days to Easter.
Easter was pretty good. We had planned to split the holiday between Chris' family and mine, but my MIL wasn't feeling well, so we just visited my side of the family tree. My mom's entire side was together for this occasion and it was great seeing everyone again.

Then it was Monday. Monday was the viewing for Chris' grandmother and her rosary service. Chris' brother, James, (along with his wife and kids) were coming into town for this service and for the funeral the following day.
I did leave Lorelai with my mom and Hannah while Chris, James, and myself went to Nana's viewing. I had never been to a viewing before. I have actually dealt with funerals very little. Both of my dad's parents have passed. My grandfather when I was about 6, and my grandmother last April, but I didn't see them very much, nor talked to them a lot (my grandmother's ashes have yet to be scattered). I had a childhood friend die when we were very young, I did not attended any of those ceremonies; and several years ago I attended a funeral of a young girl who was the younger sister of my older brother, Matt's, then girlfriend...that was sad day to witness. But in all these deaths, I don't recall any true connection, any conversation. I did have these moments with Chris' grandmother, and to be honest, I was tense about seeing her one last time. There were a lot of family and friends in the viewing room, and even Chris and James' father drove in to pay his respects. It was not as awful as I feared.
Nana looked peaceful...yet not completely herself. My mom has told me about the time she was at her grandmother's viewing. How, somehow, she didn't look quite like her. I didn't understand until I was in that viewing room. I think our souls bring so much into our bodies. They make that light in our eyes...and when that soul departs, the body looks just...empty. Nana would have been pleased though, the room was filled with the largest, most beautiful flowers you had ever seen. The room smelled like heaven...very fitting indeed.
On the way out back to our cars, my FIL informed all of us that he was undergoing open heart surgery most likely in July. That was a shock. I think we are still processing that one.
Later Chris, myself, Lorelai, James, Katie, and their 3 kiddos had a rushed dinner with my MIL and FIL (2) before the rosary. I was afraid Lorelai would not sit still and quiet...and she did not. I walked her around, I tried distracting her with noiseless toys and paper cards, but we ended up spending most of the ceremony in the atrium area alone. Oh well.
We finally got home around 8:30pm and put LEL straight to bed. I then called my mom to figure out plans for the next day, she was also coming to the funeral to pay her respects and to help me out with the little one so I could be apart of the service.

We wanted to be at the church by 10:30am...and we were. Yay us. The service was at 11am. Chris was a pall bearer and sat with the other pall bearers, so that left me and Lorelai...of course, I didn't want to leave out my mom since she did not know anyone else attending. The 3 of us found a back corner pew...but LEL only lasted about 5mins. A very talented opera singer was preforming and LEL decided she wanted to sing along, like when Aunt Hannah sings opera. Except, when she sang in the echoed! So she was very into singing then. Things quieted down...but she did not. My mom graciously exited the sanctuary with Lorelai and I stayed inside.
It was a little long, but very nice. Everyone was very honest and kind to Nana, and I think everyone felt closure and comfort at the end. What else could you ask for? She will be missed, but I think everyone loved the thought of her reuniting with her departed husband in heaven. 
My mom helped out a lot and even took home LEL early so I could join the funeral procession to lay Nana to rest.
We ate dinner with my MIL and FIL(2) and Lorelai got to dig into her other Easter basket. The day ended well.

...well, almost.

Just before bed, Phoebe kept licking her leg. I thought it was just allergies, but she kept licking, and licking, and licking. It was horrible distracting and kind of gross. So, I flipped her over to see if I could find what she was messing with. I spotted a decent-sized welt under her front leg. It looked like a bug bite so I gave her a very small dosage of benadryl and hoped it would bring her some relief...and knock her out.
It didn't work long.
Around 1am I heard her jump off the bed and disappear. I gave her time to drink, eat, or lick the living daylights out of her leg, but after 20mins I had to get up and look for her. At first I couldn't find her, and I was worried. When dogs hide while feeling ill, it is a not a good sign. So I promptly freaked out thinking she was having some sort of major allergic reaction and her little puppy throat was closing up and I turned on all the lights calling her name. Yes, Chris woke up.
I found her cowering behind the coffee table in a small ball. Her eyes would barely stay open. My freak-out intensified. I felt sick to my stomach and my exhausted body tensed up with another round of stress. I was going to take her to the emergency vet hospital, but I felt like I might be know...throw up. So I tried laying down, relaxing, but it didn't help. 
You see, I said a little prayer before going to bed, "Please God, if something is not right with Phoebe, find a way to wake me up, give me a sign so I can help her." This was my sign, I was sure of it, but the past week of stress and chaotic events and impacted me so much I started having an anxiety attack. Chris said he would take her, but he wanted to try some things first. 
She went outside okay, she walked around okay, she would drink water, and accept "puppy treats." He said that she would be fine for the rest of the night. He was right. Plus, the ER vet would cost $$$. I am glad he talked me out of it.
I did take her in the morning to our usual vet during the walk-in hours and we saw a Dr. within 10mins. He said it looked like she had an encounter with some ants. (See! I knew it was a bug bite) and he gave her 2 shots and a gave me a spray to take home to apply to relieve the itchiness. Good news? Whole visit took less than 30mins and cost minimal $. 
If you need a vet and you live in the area, I seriously recommend mine. Check the link if you are interested.

So, that brings everyone up to date I believe.

All I ask is that life goes easy on us for a little bit. We have many birthdays coming up, my car has to go into the shop, family will visit soon, I need to make myself schedule my annual Dr. appt, there might be a fishing trip (no, I will not be fishing...I doubt I will even go), and then there is our Colorado trip in June...I think that is enough to keep us busy for awhile. No need to add to it :P

I hope everyone has had a less eventful and less stressful past 2 weeks!
Thanks for sticking with this insanely long and confusing post. ;)


1 comment:

  1. I missed LEL's singing! I didn't hear even a peep.

    And just when it should be calming down at this Lewis house, Z has poison ivy!
