Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stains in the Bathroom

I have really been trying to get my rear in gear about remodeling the master bathroom. We have had a few things come up to stall the process, so I am not entirely to blame, but I do want to make progress to meet my end-of-summer goal of completion.

To Do List:

  1. Sand and re-stain cabinets
  2. Take down mirror and light fixture
  3. PAINT
  4. Replace light fixture
  5. Replace Mirror with 2 smaller mirrors
  6. Lay new linoleum tile
  7. Install shelves and over-the-toilet cabinet
  8. Tiny things - bleach grout, reseal tiles, etc.
A lot to do, but since the room isn't large, each project should be a one weekend event. I think it might be tricky doing these things in order, but the order makes the most sense and we always have the other bathroom if something gets delayed.
So, this weekend, I took the first tiny step in my to do list. I bought stain and sealant for the cabinets. I doubt it will be enough, but I wanted to sample the color and process before I loaded up. I also decided to test the color and process on the medicine cabinet in the other bathroom instead of our own. I figured we use it less, and worst case, I could always paint it white and it would be fine for kid use.

As you can see, the color cabinets we have now is like a off-shade of pine. It's sort of peachy? It's not good. We are more modern than this, so I thought I nice, darker stain would be more up to date, and more our style. 
I should probably share with you all the picture of inspiration for this make-over.

In a nutshell, this is it. :) Obviously I will have to change some things, but overall this is the feel I would love for my bathroom. I plan to also re-stain the two cabinets in the kid bathroom...I still think I want to paint my kitchen ones white...but anyway...
I like the stain color we sampled (so does Chris), so I think I shall buy (preferably borrow) an electric sander and just go for it. I also think I will pay my sisters in frappuccinos to come over and watch LEL while I (and Chris?) work on it. Next weekend. Maybe. ;)

I also got Chris a massaging shower head for his birthday, it ironically works better in the other bathroom and not ours, so we went and got another kind for our shower.

Kid bathroom...great for small, short people ;)
Our master bathroom

As I make more progress and there is more to show, I will update again.

P.S. This was my second attempt at blogging today. My first involved me complaining about yard work, then Chris came in from mowing to show me his hand he burned on the engine...I felt I had no room to complain anymore. Poor Chris :(


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