Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reasons to LOVE Wednesday

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Adalaide's Birthday.

Yep. 5 days until my induction! I am excited and anxious. The day is creeping closer, but I still have some "still pregnant" time to bank first. I am looking forward to so many things about A's arrival and subsequently, the end of my second pregnancy.

  • Fitting into more clothes.
    • My stomach has been measuring about 2-3 weeks bigger than it should for months. At almost 39 weeks, my stomach is measuring over 40 weeks. My maternity pants are limited to 3 pair, and my shirts are dwindling down as well...mainly in the short-sleeved department. And pajamas? Ha.
  • Eating without restrictions
    • Marinara sauce is not something I usually think about, but pregnancy does not mix well with it. It was the same with Lorelai. I eat marinara sauce and heartburn fierce and unrelenting arrives in a matter of minutes. Recently, carbonated drinks are also bad...along with: black pepper, sugar?!, spices or seasoning of most varieties, and drinks heavy with acidity. diet. I do eat some of these things anyway. I have to eat and I want to eat things I like!
  • No heartburn
    • I know, "didn't you just say that?" Well, not really. While certain foods bring on the burn, other things do as well. Laying on my right side is certain to spark that lovely feeling, along with bending over to pick up something. Tums have been a staple in my house for months and months.
  • Bye-bye body aches
    • It doesn't stop at backaches (though those are pretty consistent and intense), I also have aches in my ribcage. I cannot lean forward hardly at all. There is no room left to maneuver. I have a little baby butt and feet pressing up into my ribcage most of the day. Laying down helps, but then I invite the heartburn for sure...and laziness. I hate feeling lazy. Not that I have a lot of opportunity for that due to my Lorelai. ;) 
  • Caffeine
    • It's not just the feeling of being more alert, it's also what makes coffee, coffee. Decaf coffee just doesn't taste the same, it tastes...muted. I have cheated a bit on and off with "real" coffee, but it is only with a few sips...not much at all. It will also open doors with soda options, but I didn't mind the decaf options with those...they were just hard to find. 
  • Feeling like myself
    • All these things by themselves are annoying, but together, they make you feel more than a little off. I am now swollen, my joints are loose, my feet hurt if I stand too long, I am hot/sweaty all the time, my lips are always chapped, I can't tie shoes or carry a load of laundry. I just feel handicapped. 
  • The most important of all:::HAVING A BABY
    • I look at the tiny diapers in the drawer, wash the small onesies, dig out the bottles from the pantry...and all I can think is: how surreal that she will be here in less than a week. I remember LEL that small, and yet, I don't. Seems so long ago. In a way, I am looking forward to A's arrival more than Lorelai's simply because I know what the heck to expect. I was never scared with LEL, but I was anxious about labor, unsure about nursing, concerned about every developmental milestone, etc...this time, I feel more confident, more in control. I guess that is normal with baby #2. I also look forward to coming home to a house and not apartment. It feels more comforting, more secure. I also am excited for Lorelai. She loves babies and playmates. I see this as the beginning of enriching her life in a way only a sibling (a sister, really) can. I think she will be as in love with her as we we already are. :)
 And the countdown continues!


1 comment:

  1. Wishing you the best possible labor, delivery and recovery possible! I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet, sweet little girl!
