Friday, December 6, 2013

Once More, With Feeling

The last couple of weeks have been a bit hectic. That is why my last post was a little...lacking. So, here we go again, with more depth this time:

We had Thanksgiving with my family. Since we couldn't swing 2 dinners that involved driving across the metroplex with two cranky kiddos, we spent most of the day in Dallas at my grandparent's house. It was nice not having to watch the clock and stressing about timing though.

The next day we were up bright and early, off to see the animals at the zoo. My youngest sister has had a strong desire to visit the zoo since summer, so she tagged along with us. Lorelai thoroughly enjoyed herself, but not in a happy, giddy, giggly way; more in an inquisitive, curious, observing way. I would not be surprised if this kid grows up to work with animals. She is most definitely in love.
After an abrupt melt-down, we visited the gift shop for a birthday eve present, and then we departed. We saw about 2/3 of the zoo, but after 3hrs, she needed a nap, and promptly fell asleep on the way home. That never happens, that should tell you how tired she was from the day before...and we still had so much to come...

The next day was her 3rd birthday. Firetrucks, balloons, puppies, a time-consuming cake, and a lovely small pile of presents greeted her in the morning. She had to wait for most of these things until her party in the evening. That small pile turned into a large heap, the pretty cake turned into crumbs, and we had one happy- yet tired- little 3 yr old at the end of the day.
This girl is loved.

Were we done yet? Nope. The next day, Pappy, Uncle Sean, and Uncle Blake came for a visit. We had a couple more presents and lunch at Chili's. It took them both a little while to warm up to the group, but they did just had been a long few days.

The next week or so was filled up with cleaning up, storing toys, finish decorating, and taking Phoebe to an animal opthamologist.

I have been online shopping for Christmas gifts. Not only is it convenient, and affordable, but I don't have to mess with the kids in stores. Hooray! I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. The wrapping might have to wait to the last minute though. I have an almost 9 month old that seems quite interested in paper and bows. I just have to find more places to store the stuff until it's time.

We are finally getting our attic staircase installed next Saturday, so hopefully we can store a lot of big stuff in the attic now, instead of our closets.

Next Saturday is good, seeing as this weekend we will probably be iced in.
Last night we got about 2-2.5inches of sleet and freezing rain. It's pretty amazing, really. So far, we have only lost one smallish branch off of our ash tree. I hope that is all. We have been lucky. Chris can stay home from work, we still have power/heat, I fully stocked our food supplies for the next several days, we have a car full of gas, enough diapers & formula, plenty of Christmas movies, and no where we need to go until there is a chance some of this can melt.
That's the thing with Texas. We rarely get actual snow. We get ice...we just call it snow, because it's white and cold. But make no mistake, this stuff is as hard as a rock. Completely solid. It's insane.
I hope my pals who are without power/heat get it restored soon, and I hope they are walking distance to some help/supplies!


...Now to entertain the kids some more. We are only half way through the first day of this, and they are already getting antsy. Two and a half days to go!


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