Monday, February 17, 2014

Home Repair Updates and a Couple Highlights of Life

The craziness continues over here at our house. Nothing we can't handle, but still...

The garage door saga seems to have concluded. We were out of a fully-functioning door for almost a month. Every time Chris seemed to get it working, it would fail in a new, confusing way. It took several new parts, and far too much time and patience, but it has been functioning normally for days with no issues. Hopefully, this is the end of the story.

The other house issue we have been dealing with, is the possibility of getting a new roof. A section of the roof has been lifting for years, but no leaks; now we have some missing shingles due to the high winds recently. We got a couple roofers out here, and the second guy recommended we get an insurance adjuster out here to look at it. While the adjuster agreed we have some damage, it wasn't severe enough to warrant a replacement. She also said that one more hail/wind storm this spring, and she might have a different answer. So, our second roofer patched the roof for a steal, and now we sit and wait.

We also have a new bunny friend that is determined to live in our backyard. I keep shooing it away, but it keeps returning. This concerns me for one reason: Phoebe. This bunny seems to be injured. If it's not injured then it has some defect with it's leg. It doesn't move very efficiently, and it doesn't react very quickly, and our little dachshund could catch it if she tried. Now, I know it's nature, blah, blah, blah...but come on, I don't want my dog to kill the poor thing. I had a bunny growing up and it was killed by my grandparents' dog. I have always been over-protective our the wild bunnies because of this. That, and, who wants to clean up a dead bunny? Yuck. Plus, Lorelai would be devastated; my animal-loving girl. So this bunny must sense my compassion, and keeps returning to nap under the deck and sun-bathe in the grass. Thus, Phoebe is being trained to accept the poor thing, and not to attack. This takes a lot from Phoebe. I just hope the bunny and the dog continue to cohabitate peacefully.

Switching gears, winter came to a sudden halt this week. We went from 39° to 75° in a matter of days. This motivated me to put up the few winter decorations I had out, and begin to clean out and organize things around the house. This is needed, seeing as space is rare these days. To my surprise, we have filled up this house a lot faster than I thought. We plan to hold out a few more years, but talks of a bigger house have already begun.

Switching again, Adalaide turns one in less than a month! What? Yep. My monkey baby, though still petite, is getting so big! She can stand up from sitting all by herself, she can standing for long periods of time, she can walk very well if she has something to hold on to (even if it's just one of my fingers), and she even took first step the other day. Sure, she hit the ground pretty fast, but it's only a matter of time before she is running away from me...just like her big sister.

A couple more things:

Potty training still stinks.
I wish the Olympics would end.
And, teething is exhausting...for everyone.


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