Monday, August 10, 2015

Waiting Game

We're still waiting here in apartment land. I'm trying to be proactive while waiting; thinking ahead to what I will need to buy for the new house, how I want to set up the rooms, etc. Our latest purchase with this in mind is a new tv. It was a big purchase, but one that was probably overdue. Of course, with a new, big tv, comes a new appropriately-sized tv stand. So that's 2 new things accomplished.

I am thinking about changing the bed situation for the girls. Our current one is not working well and was not meant to be long-term. Addy climbs out of her crib now, and rather sleep in Lorelai's bed, so I might go ahead and switch around a few things to keep the peace at bed/naptime better.

I am itching for a yard, and more importantly, so are my dogs. It's a scorching 106° outside (and that's before the heat index), so the kids aren't missing the backyard too much yet, but the dogs are crazy...mainly Nora.
Leashing them up all the time is getting old, and Nora misses sitting and surveying the she tries to do so from inside, which doesn't work too well.

Our upstairs neighbors are by-far the loudest, most frustrating people to share a ceiling/floor with. They have a toddler son who, by the sound of things, has full reign of their apartment. Stomping, jumping, crying, screaming...the usual sounds of a child, but at midnight, or 3 am? That's not ok! I am being woken up, or kept awake by someone else's child, and that's frustrating. I have been quite tired lately due to this, yet I can't really change anything about it.

At least there has been great progress at the house lately. Drywall, stone, brick, and stair work have all made great strides this past week. I hope this continues. I so want that September 30 closing date to stick...though we have decided to rent the apartment through October just in case hiccups pop up along the way. A pricey, but needed, safety net.

More stone and brick since accomplished

Stair railings in, and drywall/texturing almost complete!

One month into our lease, and I am so ready to move out! It's like taking a vacation, but removing all the fun parts of a trip and just focusing on the "live out of a suitcase" displacement side of it. A little over 7 weeks theory. FINGERS CROSSED!

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