Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beating the Heat?

This term is being used left and right! I have been trying not to focus on the heat…I mean, what good is that going to do? But I have to admit, it is starting to affect everything!

Let’s start with the heat itself, here is an example of this week from a couple of days ago:

Geez. Those numbers are just p-a-i-n-f-u-l. 

The heat drains my energy and productivity. I just feel lazy and gross most of the day. I think Lorelai has a touch of that herself. She refuses to do basic things…like hold her bottle. I have to lay her down on the floor so she has to put out as little effort as possible.
It also takes a lot out of AC units. Luckily ours is newer so we haven’t had any issues…so far. My mom has had a couple of issues and a lot of our surrounding family and friends have had theirs’ die. They say to raise the temperature to help ease the load. Raise it to above 78…ours is always set to 79, and today I raised it again to 80.
The city has also restricted our water usage; watering the lawn no more than 2 days a week. This has started worries about foundation work. The street across from our development split and raised like a mini mountain, and I heard of more streets in the area following suit.

We also have to limit our electricity consumption. From the hours of 3-7pm we have been advised to use next to nothing in order to avoid black-outs. This means no washing machine, no dishwasher, high AC temps, no light/lamps, no oven, little stove use, and avoid opening the refrigerator. I am sure there are more…but you get the idea.

Now I can’t do half my chores when it is the best time to (for my schedule), I can’t make half of my scheduled dinners, I sit in a pretty dark house…that’s kind of warm, I can’t water my plants effectively (so things are dying), I have to worry about my lawn splitting and my foundation cracking, I have to take extra steps in order to make sure my baby girl doesn’t overheat in the car (a mobile fan clipped to the seat in front of her so she at least gets some air flow), my dog can only go out for about 10mins at a time…and sheesh…I am tired just thinking about how this summer has changed our everyday living.

I heard that the west coast has had cooler than normal temps…like, not reaching above 70…I am so jealous. I pray for any early arrival of Fall. Everyday.

Stay cool (and sane) out there! And if you live on the [lucky] west coast, be thankful!


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