Saturday, October 8, 2011

Things Keep Going, and Going, and Going...

I feel like the last 2 weeks were both incredibly long and yet surprisingly busy. Between my scheduled events and unexpected incidents, I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend…eventually.
Last Monday my parents had their foundation repaired in the garage. It involved jack-hammering through the drive-way and the garage floor. They had to insert concrete towers to the foundation to restore its structural integrity. My mom had to stick around the house and be available for anything the work men might need so Lorelai and I played taxi for a little while…well, actually, it was just me, Lorelai got to stay and play with her Grandma and Aunt Hannah. After dropping off and picking up my brother a couple times we made it home in mid-afternoon. The rest of the evening was pretty low-key until I got a text from my mom the next morning. It didn’t say much, “Let me know what your schedule looks like today, we had a long night in the ER.” Well, needless to say, I called my mom right away. She told me how my dad came home from work not feeling great. She tried to get him to eat dinner and he said his stomach was too upset to eat. Later in the evening he starting vomiting and becoming quite dehydrated and uncomfortable. By 2am he was very ill and agreed he needed to go to the hospital. One issue: he was too weak to even sit up. So, after scaring my mom with his extreme vertigo and disorientation she decided to call 911. A firetruck and ambulance pull in front of their house with lights and sirens. After the EMS team got my dad downstairs and in the rig, they all drove to the hospital. After an IV, CT scan, blood work, and many other tests the doctors concluded his symptoms seems to be contributed to food poisoning from seafood. Oddly enough, my dad had not consumed seafood at all. They sent him home with prescriptions and orders to rest. After a couple of days he seemed much, much better. They still don’t know what really caused the extreme reaction, but it seems to have passed completely.

Wednesday I met up with an old friend of mine, Mrs. Erin VanMarter. We knew each other growing up and due to life we haven’t really seen each other in years. She is moving into a house in the area, so hopefully we can meet up every so often. I am happy she is doing well and is happy with her new husband. :)

Thursday Lorelai and I met with Jen and Ava! She is now almost 3 months old and is still so sweet and tiny! Well, not really, just compared to my baby she is tiny. ;) They are both doing well and I love seeing her little girl grow bigger! I passed along a few pieces of clothing that Lorelai was never able to wear for one reason or another; I hope they can get some use out of them. They live out in Anna, so we don’t get to see them too often, but when we do we love it! I really enjoy having mommy-friends.

Friday Lorelai was having a massive fussy day, so I tried to keep her out and about most of the day for a couple of reasons. 1- Distractions seem to help stop the screaming. 2- Moving her around and passing her off to different people has the tendency of wearing her out. Yeah, this day just felt soooo long.

Saturday I felt pretty icky. I really couldn’t put my finger on why; it was just this general “blah” feeling. My in-laws came over to watch a TV show they missed (we taped it for them) and I got some chores done before I took a mini nap. I didn’t even know when they left. Sorry! Phoebe promptly woke me with her cold little nose not too much later.

I did have a little “break” until Tuesday. My good friend, Maggie, came over to visit us. It was great seeing her and catching up with all that is going on with her. I forgot to give her something before she left, so I guess I get to see her again soon. ;)

Wednesday I took Phoebe to a new vet. I was not impressed with our old “default” vet and I finally got a good recommendation for a new one. It was a little crowded and a bit hectic to walk into, and let me tell you, it was not easy filling out paperwork with LEL, a diaper bag, and a shivering puppy. Half an hour later we were done and driving home. All she needed was a checkup and new heartworm meds. I do like the new vet so far, we’ll see how it goes.

And now it is Saturday again and we are leaving in a few hours to go to my good friend, Katie’s, wedding. She was one of my bridesmaids, and I pretty much love her goofiness. ;) She is marrying her best friend and longtime bf, Nick. They are super cute together and I cannot wait to see all the fun and festivities she has planned for this evening. Happy Wedding Day you two! :D

Now hopefully the next 2 days of our long weekend are relaxing and easy-going. Hah, yeah right. ;)

*Special shout-out to 2 new babies in the world these past 2 weeks! You both are beautiful and precious, congratulations to the parents!!!*


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