Thursday, October 20, 2011

Why?! : One of Lorelai's Quirks

Most of the time, when I talk about Lorelai, I boast about her cuteness, her cleverness, and basically her all-around-wonderfulness. This post will be slightly different. ;)

Of course I love her with everything I have in me...but...lately, she has a new habit that is not endearing. For months we have been having banana oatmeal in the morning for breakfast. Until recently she has taken the meal flawlessly. Lately, I have noticed a new and irritating pattern. She still eats the oatmeal fine 5 out of the 7 days...randomly, for no apparent reason, she picks out a day here and there to REFUSE the oatmeal she gobbled up the day before.
I make it the same way everyday. Same temperature, same consistency, same time in the morning (give or take) every day. Does someone have an insight on this problem? Am I missing something? She literally won't swallow a drop. She screams, spits it out into her hand, then promptly wipes it all over her face and in her hair. So not only am I wasting a whole bowl of oatmeal (that I used expensive formula to make), but I have to completely strip her down and bathe her to get her clean. Then I have the issue of "What do I feed her now?" I have some toaster waffles. I usually heat one up and break it apart for her. She takes it fine. (So I know the issue is not "I'm not hungry.")

Maybe I am more frustrated with it today because she slept horribly last night. She woke up the first time and hour after bedtime. She was crying and inconsolable until I left her room. After about half an hour she was out again. She then slept until 3:30am, where she then was up and happy, talking, and calling for someone to get her. I went in, put a paci in her mouth and turned on her lullaby cd. I placed her back down on the mattress and gave her her favorite sleepy toy. Exiting, she lost it. It didn't last too long. But that's not to say she went back to sleep. She stayed up for 2 hrs. Talking loudly off and on the entire time. I couldn't fall asleep. I thought "Well, at least she'll sleep in later." Hah. Yeah, right. She was up 15mins after her normal get-up time. *sigh*

I guess she is going through one of her phases, but it is draining me slowly. At least I have my mom and sisters nearby to help me grasp my last strands of sanity when she does this.

Like I said, if you moms out there have any ideas or suggestions on this situation, I am all ears...and I don't say that often. ;)


1 comment:

  1. This probably isn't what you want to hear, but this post cracked me up! All moms have gone through exactly what you're going through (if that makes you feel any better!) but unfortunately, there's no explanation for it and no rhyme or reason for when it happens (okay, sorry to make you feel better and then snatch it away! hahaha). The best thing I can tell you is that kids are insane. I'm convinced they have a sixth sense that lets them know when we've become comfortable with a particular routine or stage in life, just so they can switch it up on us. To put it another way, if I had a dollar for every time I called my mom completely frustrated and in tears because of something just like this, I would truly never have to work again (and neither would Josh!). So I'll tell you the same thing she always tells me; This too shall pass. And it really will. Hang in there! :)
