Monday, November 14, 2011

I Smell Snow...Almost

Why do people hate winter? Hate cold? Hate snow? Seriously, how can you hate snow? How can you not love snow?

These are questions I have asked for years. So many people grumble and groan over cold, crisp weather and curse the presence of snow. Sure, they are mum over the hell that is summer. They don't mind the 110° heat, the blistering sunburns, the drenching sweat, the sky-high electricity bills, and crippling, damaging, long-term effects of droughts. That's all fine with them.
Well, it's not fine with me. I hate summer. I despise it. I hate everything I just listed and more.
I will take fall and winter all year long. I love it when the air turns cool and the winds pick up. I love it when the leaves turn beautiful colors and change the landscape of the earth. I love it when fall eases into winter. The leaves collect on the ground and the sky turns cold and sharp. I love it when we see the first snowflakes fall. Maybe it's because I have Lorelai, maybe it's the fact I refuse to let go of certain childhood pleasures, but either way, I can't get enough of it. How can you not smile at the prospect of snow?! It's magical.

I think my old pal, (original) Lorelai, can explain it the best. This pretty much sums up my feelings about snow and the cold-weather seasons. You all can be "Luke" about it...but you won't bring me down.

I welcome you winter, with open arms. Forget the grumps of the world...they don't know what they're missing!


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