Monday, November 5, 2012

Illness, Halloween, and Miss Adalaide

The last few weeks have been busy. I had a bad cold a few weekends ago, being sick and pregnant is quite miserable. Luckily, the worst of my illness fell on a weekend when Chris was home to care for Lorelai.
Then came Halloween. We started off the day by going to my OB and getting a sonogram of our little baby #2. Bets were placed, the votes were was pretty much divided 50/50. Girl or boy? As you all know by now, we are having another little girl!
Much deliberation went into her name. I would suggest a name, and Chris would dislike it. He would counter-offer with a different name, and I would dislike it. This has been going on since I was about 6 weeks along. And here we were, 20 weeks, and not much progress. There were names I liked, but I didn't know if I could picture calling my daughter by it. It needed to "flow" with Lorelai. I could not have a Lorelai and a Chloe. Even though I think Chloe is a cute name, it didn't match Lorelai. This concept was hard to explain to Chris. Finding a middle name was even more difficult. Just like the flow from one child's name to another, the first and middle name needed to blend together nicely. I wanted something elegant, something timeless. Not trendy, but not too...let's just say greek. (Chris likes some old names. :-P)
We had discussed many forms of a particular name, and after much thought, we decided. Adalaide Olivia Lewis. I am trying to get Lorelai to call her "baby Addy" for now. Adalaide is german, it means noble and serene. Olivia is latin and means peaceful. Olivia is on the popular side, but it has a nice ring to it, and I don't mind for a middle name...much like Lorelai Elizabeth. ;-)
I have a habit of referring to Lorelai as LEL online, due to her initials. I do not plan to refer to Adalaide as AOL though...for obvious reasons. I think I might use Addy from time to time. I still like their full names much better!

The rest of Halloween was pretty laid back. Lorelai did finally wear her cape without crying to make one cute Little Red Riding Hood. She only made it to about 6 or 7 houses before she got too uncomfortable and wanted to go home to play with the glow sticks. Her wand is a glow stick given to her by her Grandma (my mom). We also had mummy dogs, chips and queso, and a cheese ball. I think I was craving cheese when I went shopping for food. :-P

This past weekend Chris was sick. I still do not know what it was. He woke up Saturday with an uncomfortable tummy. He got sick a few times within a few hours and slept most of the day. He had an elevated temperature, and was congested with a sore throat. I think maybe he finally caught the cold I had a few weeks ago, but I do not understand the stomach bug. Maybe it was the congestion? Something he ate? Something else entirely? Who knows. I am just glad Lorelai and myself did not get sick...yet. I filled my time by entertaining LEL and doing some crafty stuff. I covered the lamp in LEL's "new" room with some pink chiffon scraps from Hobby Lobby. I am slowly moving in her things and setting up the room for Lorelai to move into after Christmas. I don't want her to feel "kicked out" so I want to transition her before it gets too close to Adalaide's arrival. I am also starting Adalaide's baby blanket. Nothing too fancy, stripes, but with many different stitches to keep track off.

Tomorrow we have someone coming to connect our gas logs up in our's only been a year. I look forward to it, and hope nothing goes wrong. This house has a way of tricking us with its perceived easiness...then it evolves into a mess. Fingers crossed.
We then have my sister-in-law's birthday next week (Happy Birthday Katya!), then Thanksgiving, another Dr. appt for me, then Lorelai's birthday, then a Dr. appt for her...then we should just have to worry about Christmas festivities; which I love ♥
Hope everyone else stays healthy and has a pleasant next couple of weeks!



  1. Chris and James clearly share genes when it comes to old names. Um, Maximus?

    Jimmy saw LEL's picture and said, "pretty Lorelai."

    I'm bummed we can't see you at Thanksgiving. My belly is just too big to sit that long! In the spring, though, surely!

  2. Aw, we are a bummed too. But I completely understand. I am surprised you all do as much traveling as you do! Lorelai and myself aren't much for over-night travel too often, especially when I am pregnant. No fun! I hope you and your precious kiddos have a wonderful Thanksgiving though!
