Friday, June 14, 2013

Silence is Golden- and Rare.

This week has been...well, long.

Cranky kids, napless days, crying/screaming- things that should be simple and quick, end up taking three times as long as they should and usually take place while someone is crying in the background.
Not that I am ignoring my kids, they have just had those days where nothing makes them happy- mainly Lorelai.

I decided to go to the grocery store today and not wait for the weekend with Chris' help. It is Father's Day weekend, and wanted to eliminate some chores.
I did accept my mom's offer to shop with us though. It went well until departure. Refusal to hold hands, losing shoes, carrying LEL to the car like a sack of potatoes, crying the whole way home, Addy joining in...can you tell we were hitting nap time? This carried on through putting away the food, getting Lorelai to bed, and attempting to feed Addy.
A hour or so later, I finally get to sit and regain my composure. Just another day with the little Lewis girls.

People have been asking me if I will be traveling to a family event in a couple weeks...this is why my answer is "no." Could it be done? Yes. Would anyone be having fun? No. At this point with my kids, schedules and being close to home are essential. Car rides past 5mins usually end up with Addy screaming, Lorelai only eats half of 3 items (never consistently), both kids have to nap/sleep in certain rooms at certain times, Addy is slowly starting to eat closer to 3 hours as apposed to 2, and there is still Phoebe's eyes to watch. So, sorry guys who want me to travel/visit them; unless you live close by or are willing to come to us, seeing you all will have to wait. Hopefully by the end of summer they will be a bit more flexible. Forcing them to be so now, is not worth it. As it is, every time Lorelai leaves the house she whines and cries "Hot. Hot. Hhhhhhooooottttt." I feel her there.

At least both kids are napping right now, and hopefully for the next half an hour. Ahhh, silence. An encouraging note though: All this craziness is making me lose baby weight at a decent clip. Already in pre-Adalaide shorts...and they are a bit loose. Now for pre-Lorelai. Ha. ;)


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