Friday, January 10, 2014

Health and Issues

Well our saga continues with Adalaide.

Nothing too dramatic, but she has pink eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis to be exact. She can't spread to us by touching like the viral kind, but it still can't feel too great. I took her in early, so she isn't too pathetic looking, and seems to be recovering quickly, so that's all encouraging. Her 9 month seems to be all cold, fever, sniffles, rash, pink eye, diaper rash, etc. I so pray by her 10 month mark she will be over all these things...we have 3 days.

That's right, my baby will be 10 months old in just a few days. Then it's just a couple more months until she will have a pretty cake in front of her with a big ol' number 1. Crazy. You know when you are young and you hear all the adults say things like "they grow up so fast" or "I blinked and they grew up", you thought they were being so over-dramatic. Then you grew up and had kids, and now, well, you get it. You understand it oh-too-well. I mean, my first baby just turned 3. Geez.

Speaking of my first baby, she had a little event this week. She had a speech class screening. Two teachers talked and played with her, then she had a vision and hearing test. Everything went surprising well, until the hearing test. Basically, the headphones were too foreign to her and she shut down. So, with a pair of newly bought headphones in hand, we are going to practice wearing them at home and reschedule another hearing test so we can move forward with her speech evaluation and possible enrollment in a class.

I feel she needs the push with her language, but I can't help but feel squirmy about it. Maybe I should try harder with her. If I homeschool her, I need to be able to teach her things. Though, getting outside help isn't a bad thing, and acknowledging we need it isn't bad either...right?
I watch her excel in the topics she loves and then become paralyzed with embarrassment when she feels she has "failed" the teachers. I hate it. Probably a life lesson, sure, but man, she is still so young, I do not want her associate learning with right-wrong, pass-fail, smart-dumb, black-white. The homeschooler in me becomes restless and irritated. But that's me. I have to give this opportunity to my kid, despite my own feelings. It's just speech class. Nothing more. I tell myself this. It helps.
Though, side-note: her potty training has taken a noticeable decline since our meeting with the teachers. Hopefully it's just a coincidence...but I have noticed.

Oh's always something, huh?
Even though we have visited the doctor 3 times in one month, and I have anxieties about their well-being, and we have far too many struggles with potty training, we are good. We are tired, stressed, stuffy, itchy, messy, and a bit frustrated, but we are good.
I do hope we have a less eventful next few weeks, maybe even months? But that may be asking too much. ;)


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