Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Eve 2013/2014

New Year's didn't go exactly how I envisioned it.

We were sick.

Cold? Flu? Who knows anymore. Why? Well, none of us had the same symptoms. It was the weirdest thing. Adalaide won the prize for oddest illness and won a trip to the Children's ER on new year's eve.

The timeline goes something like this:

Saturday, 12/28
I take the girls to my parents' while the plumbers come and fix our sewage line...long story short, they didn't fix it and I ended up coming home with the kids due to Lorelai's extreme crankiness. She felt a little warm, had a bit of sniffles, and napped. Those three things suggested she was under the weather.

Sunday 12/29
Lorelai was pretty much back to her normal self. A bit of sniffles, and some fussiness, but nothing that stopped her from running around, playing, and avoiding a nap as usual. I started to feel pretty yucky though, and by bedtime I was so congested and had a severe sore throat. I slept very little...very little. Chris was feeling a bit gross too, but not as bad as me.

Monday 12/30
I felt like death, Lorelai was still fine, Addy had some sniffles starting and Chris was headed down the slowly dying path as well. Addy also developed some pink blemished on her face. Just a couple, note-worthy, but nothing worrisome.

Tuesday 12/31
I thought I was feeling better, but this thing had some more fight in it, and I was feeling surprisingly gross again. Congested, sore throat again, and very weak. Chris was sporting a fever, no sore throat, congestion, and a cough. Lorelai was still fine, but Addy was now running a fever for almost 24hrs. and her blemishes looked more like pink spots and had spread more on her face, behind her ears, on her ears, and a bit on her diaper area. I called her pediatrician and their voicemail said they would be out of office until Thursday...two days from now. Of course. So, I waited and hoped she would not get any worse. In a matter of hours, she had spiked another fever, and her spots were now bright pink, and had spread to her arms/armpits and upper legs. Her trunk, back, neck, and lower legs were 100% clear though. By 5:30pm I decided I wanted someone to take a look at her. The only place I could take her (and instructed to take her by the peds voicemail) was Children's Medical Center's ER. But we were still sick too. So, after some discussion, the plan was Chris would stay home with Lorelai, and I would get my mom to drive me and Adalaide to the hospital. If anything else came up, Chris would come up with Lorelai. That was a worse-case scenario.
Addy, my mom, and I arrive at the ER and it was pleasantly empty. A couple people came in after us, but we were in a room in less than 20 mins after walking in the door. Addy was seen by a nurse and a nurse practitioner. They both were a little stumped and confused by the look and placement of the rash, but assured me it was not measles, mumps, or chickenpox. It was not scarlet fever, roseola, or scarlatina. It wasn't hives, or any allergic reaction from food or contact. It was most likely associated with the virus we were fighting.
Make sure she still eats and drinks normally, keep her fever at bay with meds, put on a humidifier, put on diaper ointment in her diaper area, and watch her. If the spots change, develop puss, crust over, blister, open up, or stay red with slight pressure, bring her back to the ER. Otherwise the expect them to fade in a few days.

Fast-forward to now, 1/2
Her spot are almost gone. A bit of redness in her diaper area, but now formed bumps. Her fever is gone, and is almost back to her usual self.
...What. The. Heck.
I am glad she's fine, but what was with the spots, man? Has anyone else's kid had this? This is Addy's first illness/fever. Lorelai didn't get sick until she was around 18months, and still has yet to run a noticeable fever that lasts for a significant amount of time in her little she is no help in the comparison area.


I am glad we are all getting better. Chris has been fever free for over 24hrs, same with Adalaide. I never ran a fever, but I am almost 100% myself, and Lorelai, well, she is ready to get out of the, now.

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. Spots = roseola? They looks crazy and accompany a fever but are harmless... it's super common in little ones (Anni had it... oh... around two, I think?)
