Yesterday I was happily playing with LEL on the couch. I was laying on my back and letting LEL stand up on her feet on my tummy. She was having a blast...I mean, so super cute. Phoebe then climbs up on top of the back cushions and walks over to me. While looking down at me she lets out this gaggy cough and a nice large chunk of you-know-what flies out of her mouth and lands on my shoulder with a splat. It then got on the couch as well. It was disgusting. Completely nasty. I have dealt with more than my fair share of gross bodily functions in my lifetime and that, for some reason, is near the top of the list. *bleck*
Today's adventure was not Phoebe's fault but something to mention all the same. In our apartment complex you have to pick up your dog's "presents" and dispose of them or you get fined. Pretty standard I believe. So Phoebe did her business like a good puppy and I was fiddling with the plastic bag they provide you to clean it up. Now LEL is perched on my hip and I have the leash in my other already quite a balancing act...then the wind comes in to play. A big gust whooshed in while I was trying to open the little bag and it flew right out of my hands. It went straight up in the air, over 3 stories high, then across the street to the other buildings. It smacked against someone's window and stayed put do to the angle of the wind. I sighed and just went back inside (hoping no one witnessed this and would therefore charge me $). I just thought of that resident opening their blinds and seeing a poop bag stuck to their window on the 3rd story. I would laugh...and I did.
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