Friday, September 30, 2011

Double Digit Months From Now On

Well, well, well...10 months already :P

Some new updates on Lorelai, lets see:

She has 2 teeth growing in on the bottom, it is so cute...and we have waited long enough for them!

She is eating more table food, mainly soft bread and mashed potatoes/bananas. It is pretty cute watching her pick up the little bits with her 2 tiny fingers :)

She has recently received her first pair of real shoes, hard soles and everything. She does not like wearing them. She cries while trying to maneuver around in them. She much rather carry them around, put them in her mouth, and bang them on tables.

We are transitioning into cooler weather clothes. It would help if the weather was so back-and-forth though. I do look forward to getting her all new, cute clothes...and a coat!

She has a new carseat now, still rear-facing for now. I believe by her birthday we can switch it around...she hates car rides and I am hoping she will like them better once she can see and interact with others in the car.

She has learned how to drink with a straw. It comes from all the sharing (mainly from her Aunt Hannah) of drinks with her. She has her own little cup and straw now and uses it 100x better than a traditional sippy cup. Oh, and she still won't hold her own bottle unless she is laying on the ground. Even then, she rarely lays and finishes it all.

A lot of "ba-ba's" and "ma-ma's" some "da-da's" in there more.

We are teaching her "up" when she wants to get up... outstretched arms included. ;)

I have also been teaching her how to turn on and off the light switch. She now reached out for it as we pass it in her room. Pretty cute. :)

Still loves pacifiers and can put them in and out like a pro.

She has discovered the wonderful game of throwing her toys...well, more like dropping them overboard. Constantly.

Nap habits are changing...and shortening. :( Don't like that...I am hoping it is a phase into a new pattern and that it is not the new pattern itself.

Standing and walking are not too far off I have a feeling, and I will keep you all posted of that development for sure.

Looking forward to all the changes in the next month, then the next update will be at 1 year! Gosh. Goes by in a blink, doesn't it. ;)



  1. If she hates the hard-soled shoes, there are some great ones that mold a little more to their feet and make it easier to maneuver as they learn to walk and run. I hear these are amazing:, and we found some softer ones at Target.

  2. Thanks for the tip :) We actually have a pair already, but she seems to slip around in them. Maybe she needs to get a little more stable on her feet first? I'll try to alternate them more and see if I notice a difference :)
