Friday, May 18, 2012

Odd Pinterest 2.0

I enjoyed collecting some of Pinterest's oddest pins a little while ago, and thankfully, the oddity just kept coming. I saved some of my favorites to share with you all. The internet is wonderful and weird, and thanks to Pinterest, I can see a lot more of the weird.

Now there are different degrees of odd...

This is the picture that started this collection. I mean, who in their right mind would EVER think to cut off Barbie mouths/noses and make a creepy, creepy necklace with them? Ick.

I want to see a naked woman bathing in my drink, don't you?
This isn't that weird, but I am pretty sure this is not a secret message since I can clearly read the banana in the morning.
Yes. I want my phone to smell like my armpit, and misted with sweat, great idea,
This is a ring. We'll ignore the fact that is a huge, bulky version of ring...but why a cupcake tin? Why are there only 2 cupcakes? The tin is not cute or worth wearing. You'd be better off skipping the tin and making a cupcake ring.

I have to admit, I am unusually particular on my style of wreaths. I tend to chuckle on all the DIY wreaths I see pinned. Most are not my opinion. Like this stick wreath. Do you really need instructions to make this? Oh, and yes...why would make this? 
They explained it all...except why you would need "handerpants,"
I also enjoy seeing what people crochet things for, like my first  odd pinterest post, they have "rock covers" and now they have instructions for an "apple cozy."
This pin had no description. It was just this picture. Why? That's all I have to say about this....Why?

Ah, yes, the ever-so-hard "denim bracelet." It adds so much to an outfit...?

These shoes say "Dunk your shoes in glue and roll them in preschool art supplies" to me. If you are into that look, go for it.

This is a statue that kind of reflects my feelings after seeing all the previous pins...and it is odd in its own right. Wouldn't want to pass this everyday before going to work. Not very encouraging.

What are your favorite "Odd Pins?" Please share...I love how silly people can be.


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