Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Odd Pinterest 3.0

So this is my third installment of odd pinterest. I slowly collect the weird and confusing things I stumbled upon while pinning some more...useful ideas. ;)
Here is an interesting group.

These are actual chip bags, shrunken down in the oven, then made into keychains. I don't know about you, but I don't want trash hanging around with me all day long.

This is their wedding cake. Yes, that is a cake-version of the bride. Why would you want everyone eating you? Ick.

You know I love silly wreaths. This one is more sad than silly...really sad.

Want to wear a plant around your neck? You are oddly not alone.

More "trash into art" entry, this time soda cans into bracelets.

This would probably hang in the house with the sad wreath; sad, sad light fixture.

When did we start gluing large plastic crap to our nails? Check out that fruit! And the ridged cheese nails just look dangerous...the mouse isn't too cute either.

This is just creepy. Really creepy.
Do you have any odd pins?


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