Friday, May 17, 2013

The Little Ones

Rolling right along with life here, busy, but normal.

Monday Adalaide turned 2 months old. Her pediatrician said she was perfect, and I agree. He's good that way, making you feel like your child is the perfect version of themselves...which you already knew. 10 lbs and 23 ins long; that's 35% and 75% respectively. Sounding a lot like her big sister, though her stats are the only similarities I see so far.
Adalaide at 2 months
Lorelai at 2 months

Along with looking quite different, their personalities are also significantly different. Lorelai disliked being cuddled and was a difficult nurser. By this time with Lorelai, I was supplementing at least once a day with 2oz+ of formula.
Adalaide on the other hand, loves to be held and does pretty well with breast feeding. I only supplement on rare occasions...even then she much prefers mom. Plastic nipples are not her favorite.

She naps deeply for about 2-3 hours during the day, collectively; the rest of the day is filled up with observing and cat-naps. She soundly sleeping by 10pm every night and most nights she wakes up twice during the night to eat. She still needs some time to get back to sleep at night, but we are making progress. She still has funky nights and days where she throws me off doing something completely different, but in a weird way I expect that unexpectedness. It's the way of the baby, right?

Lorelai is also unexpected with her toddler-way. Nap, no nap; eat, no eating; happy, no-wait- unhappy. Her day is a constant game of opposites. I know if things are going to well they will soon fall apart, and vice versa. She is still a picky, picky eater, but we have made some baby steps in the right direction. Chicken strips and eggs have been added to the list of "things Lorelai will allow to touch her lips."
We also have started the very early beginnings of potty-training. She has been pretty resistant though...I think that task will take awhile.
She has added more and more words to her vocabulary, and she can hold a conversation...with those who understand her best. She kicks butt at identifying colors, most numbers, and about half the letters. She know shapes very well, and can give you any animal sound you ask for. She is one smart cookie.

My girls, being pals
So, apparently, this entry is about my two leading ladies. More updates on different topics coming soon. ;)


1 comment:

  1. YAY for a good nurser!! That's so exciting and relieving!

    We definitely took the slloooooow route of potty training with Anni, but in the end, being patient and not pushing it ended up working really well with her personality. About a month ago, everything just kind of clicked and we were there. It's been lovely!
