Friday, May 24, 2013

Eye of the Storm

This week has definitely kept me on my toes. Mainly because of Phoebe.
If you recall, Phoebe suffered from eye ulcers about 8 months ago. We got them cleared up after a serious round of antibiotic eye drops...and now they are back.
For a few weeks now, I have noticed her eyes looking red and irritated. I would give her allergy medication and a couple of the left-over eye drops and it would take care of itself...only to have it come back in a few days. Monday night, I knew my usual treatment would not cut it.
Early Tuesday morning, swollen, pathetic-looking Phoebe and myself went to the vet. Thank God for a vet with walk-in hours. Seriously. Thank you. (My mom watched my girlies...there was no way I was going to take on that chaos by myself.)
After sitting next to some crazy lady with her over-weight, wall-eyed chihuahua- "Truffles", we were seen by the vet.
A dry eye test showed Phoebe does not produce enough tears, causing natural irritants to aggravate her eyes more severely- and poof: eye ulcers.
The ulcer was small, so he held off on antibiotics, but told me I would have to start giving her over-the-counter eye drops 3 times a day. Forever. *sigh*
I have since accepted this, but her eye is still not right, and now her other eye is looking red. I have asked Chris to take her in again tomorrow. Yes. This vet has walk-in hours, even on Saturday.
I worry about my little pup. I just want her to be healthy and pain-free. I know her eye problems are beyond my control, but I still feel guilty.

All of this happened on a week that had bad weather, a cute terror named Lorelai (who now has a weird rash again), a restless baby (eating every 2 hours!), home "remodel" frustrations (more on that later), and some major sleep deprivation.

Give me another few weeks and this one won't seem that hectic...but today is still Friday, so I am not there yet.
The 3-day weekend should help. (Happy Memorial Day!)

Oh, and I know she's a dog, but please send her your thoughts and prayers on a speedy recovery. We love that little stinker.


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