Saturday, July 30, 2011

8 Months

Yep, little Lorelai is 8 months old already!

We don't go to the Dr. again until September so no new stats on height and weight...but let me tell you, she is getting big!
You know how infant carseats have a base you snap into when in the car, and then snap out of to carry the little baby around with you? Well, she is sooooo heavy in that now. My arm seriously can't take it. I only do it if she is sleeping now. Her naps are still a little unpredictable so if she is sleeping, I don't dare wake her unless I have a pretty well-thought through plan. She has been taking more and more naps in her crib *hooray* but they are not usually easy to come by. She is still sleeping through the night...and I am so grateful!
She is eating 3 full meals a day along with bottles and snack time. Her new favorite food to share with mom and dad: ice cream! She loves it...though in cone form she is a little confused.
No teeth. Not one. I didn't have any until after 9 months, so we'll see if she'll take after me in that respect. She does take after her daddy in the feet department though. I could tell from day one but lately it has been more evident. We tried on shoes (sandals) earlier this week...her little puffy foot couldn't even fit in some styles! It was cute...and her face showed she wasn't enjoying the process. I think she was born in the right season. When she loved to cuddle with blankets it was cold out, and now she hates shoes and clothes which is ok since it's so hot out. Hopefully she will transition again when it get cold again...if it gets cold again.
She is crawling like a pro and pulling herself up on everything. Which has led to interesting baby proofing ;)

There is more, but she is waking up from her morning nap, so I better go!


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