Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cut it Out

Warning: Most of you all will not care about this post, nor will you know what I am talking about.

I usually write silly, lighthearted posts. That's more than fine with me, I am so lucky my life consists of silly, lighthearted events...but there is one growing issue amongst my siblings.

I don't know what exactly started the tension, nor do I care...I don't want to dive into the details, mainly because I am not privy to that information, but I also do not want to alienate anyone any further. I just can't sit quietly any longer.

We are an awesome family. We are large, loud, opinionated, augmentative, kind, humorous, and close...or at least, we were. I know this is just a bump in the road and it will eventually pass, but I dislike the feelings floating around my parents' house. Now these feelings are not shared by me, nor are they directed at me...and I think that is the frustrating thing for me. This issue mainly exists between my younger siblings (mostly teenagers), and so I have this to say to them: Cut it out. This is so ridiculous...and that goes for both sides. Stop the 'tude; stop the freeze out; stop the dirty looks; stop the childish games. We are family, and you need to figure this out. Everyone needs to come together and air their grievances in a calm, mature manner. If you guys don't figure this out, I will warn you...I will get more involved; and I think we can all agree we don't want that. ;)

Ok...I just had to get that off my chest....but seriously guys, stop it.